Can Chickens Eat Clover? A Comprehensive Guide!

If you own poultry, you have probably noticed the particular style of birds that live with you. Spending time with my chickens allows me to observe their habits. It is incorrect to imagine chickens, even though they all appear lovely and innocent. Instead, every chicken is brilliant and has a good memory.

They consistently choose the tastiest item to consume. Thus, they spend most of their time grazing the grass in the evening when they are free to roam. However, if chickens can eat grass, can they also consume clovers?
“Yes!” Chickens can eat the clovers. Please continue reading to understand everything there is to know about this topic. I will review everything from A to Z. I researched and prepared this article for your benefit and others’ new poultry ownership.

What Is a Clover?

Clover is a weedy plant that belongs to the legume family. Even though many different types of clover exist, red, white, and purple clover are the most well-known. Despite the nutritional value of all these clover varieties being the same, gardens, parks, lawns, and farms all contain it. The majority of those that cultivate this weed do so primarily for their use as food for birds and other animals. This green weed is high in vitamins and nutritional content. This plant usually has three leaves but can grow up to four leaves linked to the stem.

Are Hens Able to Consume Clover?

chickens can eat clover

Yes, without a doubt. The clover weeds are perfectly safe for your bird to eat. The birds’ diet will benefit significantly from it. The many nutrients and vitamins found in clover weed serve to maintain the health and vitality of your poultry buddies. Considering this, you should have no qualms about feeding this herb to hens. 

Are All Varieties of Clover Safe for Chickens to Consume?

This herb weed is present in many different species throughout the world. The chickens should not consume any of these, though. The red, white, and purple clover weed is particularly secure for your finicky birds. Many clovers might harm your chickens’ health, so don’t feed them excessively.

What Potential Advantages Could Clover Provide for the Well-Being of Chickens?

Due to valuable nutrients, clover has various health advantages for your flock. Below are some nutritional benefits for the well-being of your fowl friends.

The Protein Content Is Relatively High

A high protein content is present in clover, which keeps your flock strong and energized. Additionally, it makes your flock’s muscles, skin, and packing of feathers more muscular. Clovers contain a lot of protein, which helps in egg production. Your chicken’s immune system is functioning correctly because of the protein it contains. Protein is abundant in clover. It aids in the preservation and healing of bodily tissues. The development and growth of your poultry pals depend on it extensively.

Best Calcium Source

You may feed your chicken many different fruits, vegetables, grains, and weeds to receive the minerals it needs, including calcium, which clover is an excellent source of. Because of the calcium in clover, your chickens’ eggshells are solid and firm. Calcium is essential for the development and strength of the bones in your chickens. 


Clover naturally contains niacin, which has several positive health effects. Because of this, your fussy friends’ bodies benefit from reduced cholesterol. Maintain the health and activity of your flock as well. This helpful substance also lowers the crude fat level in the chicken flesh.


Potassium, which is abundant in clover and helps to keep muscles strong, also improves a bird’s capacity for egg production. These nutrients aid the formation of healthy eggs and the durability of eggshells. Additionally, it aids in lightening the flock’s weight. So, if you rear chickens to produce eggs, feed them clover, which contains potassium, essential for making high-quality eggs.

Vitamin A 

The clover’s abundance meets your chickens’ need for vitamin A for a healthy reproductive system. It preserves the chickens’ epithelial cells as well as their reproductive system. This vitamin also aids your feathered companions’ ability to produce healthy eggs. Your flock’s eyes will have better health thanks to vitamin A.

Vitamin B 

Due to folic acid shortage, delayed growth in chickens is a common problem. Vitamin B plays a significant part in preventing this problem. This vitamin helps to improve the muscular activities of your hens.


Because of the iron in clover, your hens’ entire bodies can more easily carry oxygen and electrons. The creation of your chicken DNA depends heavily on it as well.

Water content 

On sweltering summer days, chickens must stay calm. As a result, give your flock things comprised mainly of water. As a result, if you offer clover during the hot summer months, it is an excellent choice to keep your chicken cool and hydrated because clover contains about 75% water.

High fiber content 

Chickens require an adequate amount of fiber to assist the digestive system in effectively digesting food. Clover’s fiber component helps to keep the chicken farms clean and clear of bacteria.

Vitamin C and E 

Clover is high in vitamin C, which benefits the chickens’ immune systems. Potent antioxidants like vitamin E protect the cells in your body from oxidative stress. Both are necessary for the chicken’s health and growth.

What Is the Most Effective Technique to Feed Clover to Chickens?

It is easy to feed clovers to the hens. Let’s discuss some fantastic ideas for serving clover to your poultry pals.

  1. Your picky birds can be placed in the yard where you’ve cultivated the clover, and your chickens will devour it with their beaks. They also enjoy eating grass and veggies. As a result, they will like eating these clover weeds as well.
  2. Before giving your fowl friends some clover, you can cut up a few or some fresh clover.
  3. By mixing the clover with other weeds or vegetables, you may also feed it to your picky birds.

Keep the Following in Mind Before Giving Clover to Chickens:

  • Because it includes calcium carbonate and oxalic acid, which combine to form calcium oxalate crystals in your chicken’s kidneys and digestive tract, you should give your chickens minimal clover. Your hen’s urinary tract may develop kidney or bladder stones, which would be painful. Therefore, always give your finicky birds a small amount of this herb.
  • The clover has a lot of nitrogen in it. Your chicken may experience circulatory and respiratory issues if it consumes too much clover.
  • You’ll check the clover to ensure it contains no chemicals or pesticides before offering it to the bird.

In conclusion 

So, are hens able to consume clover? For the benefit of your chickens, consume clover weed and its seeds. To ensure the health of your flock, always apply it sparingly.


How Much and How Frequently Can I Feed My Hens’ Clover?

Remember that your hens won’t ever eat a lot of clovers; instead, you should feed them this nutritious clover weed twice a week. I know this herb harms your flock when consumed in high quantities. Therefore, it’s best always to advocate moderation.

Do chickens have access to clover seeds? 

Indeed, the various healthy components found in clover seeds make them excellent for chickens to eat. Always use fresh clover seeds for your backyard chicken.

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  • Post last modified:October 23, 2023