Can Chickens Eat Kidney Beans? A Complete Breakdown!

can chickens eat kidney beans?

It is common to wonder what chickens can and cannot eat. So, as chicken owners, our first wish is only to feed our poultry friends safe, nutritious fruits and vegetables. As a result, I’m now talking about kidney beans, which I mostly use in my kitchen. However, I’d like to know if I can feed these kidney beans to my hens. You’re trying to think about the answer to this query. Yes, or no? What will be the answer?

The answer is that you can use kidney beans for your chickens, but only cooked beans. They benefit from the nutrients found in kidney beans. Kidney beans come in several varieties, each with its color and texture. Conversely, raw or uncooked kidney beans are toxic to chickens due to poisonous chemicals. But what is the name of the toxic chemical? What are the advantages of cooked kidney beans?

This blog post will cover all these points, so keep reading. 

3 Things to Think About Before Feeding Kidney Beans to Chickens 

Chickens prefer to eat table scraps, leftovers, fruits, and anything else that they can see in front of them. The following information is essential to understand before exposing kidney beans to hens:

Can chickens eat cooked kidney beans?

Cooked kidney beans for hens

Cooked kidney beans are far safer for chickens to consume than raw beans. I prefer to feed cooked kidney beans to my chickens because this eliminates all their toxic compounds. You can also mix it in with other treats for your picky friend. If you have leftovers and some cooked kidney beans in your kitchen, don’t throw them away. Instead, share this delicious treat with your avian friends.

Can chickens eat raw or dried kidney beans?

Are you considering serving raw or dried beans with your hens? Then, never feed raw or dried kidney beans to your poultry because they contain the toxic chemical phytohemagglutinin. This chemical causes various fatal diseases in your feathered friends, and even adult chickens can die if they consume this dangerous substance through these kidney beans. As a result, if you want to raise chickens, you should never feed them raw or dried beans.

Can chickens eat canned kidney beans?

Most poultry owners feed their hen’s canned beans because there is a misperception that beans are cooked before they are canned. However, I always cook kidney beans for the chickens. However, before purchasing it from any store, I recommend you check the ingredients list to ensure it is entirely safe for your companions.

On the other hand, if you prepare kidney beans at home, you won’t have to worry about them because you’ll ensure no toxic ingredients are present. So, it is entirely up to you whether you prefer to feed your chicken canned or homemade cooked kidney beans.

Is it Safe to Feed Kidney Beans to Hens? 

Cooked kidney beans are safe for your chickens, as the toxic phytohemagglutinin becomes less effective after cooking. On the other hand, raw kidney beans have a high amount of this dangerous chemical. Before giving it to the hens, it is necessary to prepare it.

It contains a high concentration of protein. However, before you give your chickens any treats, ensure they are entirely safe.

Kidney beans for hens

6 Health Advantages to Feeding Kidney Beans to Chickens 

Kidney beans are high in nutrients that benefit for your poultry health. It contains essential minerals such as molybdenum, folic acid, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, and iron for your chickens. Now we’ll go over the advantages of cooked kidney beans for your chickens in greater detail.

Aid in weight Loss

The kidney bean contains reasonable amounts of protein and fiber, which help chickens lose weight. Your chicken may develop several dangerous ailments linked to obesity if they gain too much weight and become obese. As a result, kidney beans are a great food to give your chicken if you don’t want it to gain weight. Kidney beans are also great for keeping hens at a healthy weight.

Control blood sugar level

Kidney beans are also very effective at improving blood sugar control in hens. The high fiber and low carbohydrate content help control the chicken’s blood sugar levels. As a result, kidney beans are also beneficial to humans who are facing diabetes problems. Diabetes is a chronic disease that affects both humans and chickens. So, feed kidney beans to your picky pals in moderation to keep blood sugar under control.

Prevent the development of colon cancer

The high fiber content, both soluble and insoluble, helps to protect the chicks from colon cancer. Colon cancer is a fatal disease that has spread all over the world. Thus, kidney beans are the best source of colon cancer prevention.

Increased egg production 

Kidney beans’ high protein content promotes egg production in hens. It aids in the proper formation of eggs as well as their size. It strengthens and nourishes your chicken eggshells.

Keep growing and healthy

The antioxidant content of kidney beans improves chicken health and growth. Your chickens’ vitamin B6 levels will rise as well. The magnesium in kidney beans is beneficial to the production of cellular energy.

Activate the digestive system

Kidney beans contain beneficial nutrients and fiber that aid in the digestion of hens. It ensures that the digestive system is operating correctly. 

What is the best way to introduce kidney beans to my chickens?

It is easy to prepare kidney beans for hens. Sharing raw beans with your fowl buddies is never a good idea. Here are two ways to share kidney beans with poultry:

Soaked Kidney Beans

Soaked kidney beans for hens

It is possible to soak the beans the night before and feed them to your chickens the following day. The soaking process releases many hazardous chemicals, yet I did not serve kidney beans this way.

Cooked Kidney Beans 

Cooked kidney beans are the safest way to prepare kidney beans for hens. Cooking beans, on the other hand, takes almost an hour. Cooking removes many dangerous chemicals.

However, I recommend that you soak the kidney beans overnight before boiling them for at least one hour, as I mentioned above, to ensure this is an entirely safe food for hens. Soaking kidney beans softens them and makes them easier to digest.

What Are the Health Risks of Feeding Raw Kidney Beans to Your Chickens?

Humans and chickens are both at risk from eating raw kidney beans. Food poisoning will occur if you feed your fowl companions a small amount of beans. If you give your chickens some uncooked kidney beans in this situation, your hens might also die because it contains the toxin lectin, which is highly harmful to the health of your free-range birds. So, once again, never feed kidney beans to your poultry friends.


As you know, cooked kidney beans are used instead of raw beans when feeding hens. Therefore, as a pet owner, you should always give your chickens cooked kidney beans. Additionally, only provide cooked kidney beans as an occasional treat to your finicky pals.


How often should I feed kidney beans to my chickens?

You can feed the cooked kidney beans only twice a week, as they are a good source of protein and fiber. It is only used in moderation because overusing this treat is unhealthy for hens.

Can chickens eat the plants of kidney beans?

Absolutely yes, you can feed the kidney bean plant to your chickens. They can consume it without any risk. You can give them kidney bean plants without harming their health.

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  • Post last modified:October 23, 2023